Spiritual Consulting Services
Home Clearings ~
The use of Sage to cleanse a space is an ancient and respected method of clearing a structure or person of unwanted energy or energies. These energies can consist of many things. The spirits of those that have passed but not fully crossed over, Elemental or earth based entities, Personal attachments, Residual energy from person or events in the past and many other forms of energy that can influence and disrupt peace in you personal or work space.
While white sage is and always will be an efficient cleansing herb, I have developed over the years, a combination of herbs in my smudge sticks, including white sage, that work to cleanse in a highly effective way. All my smudge sticks are made by hand, by me.
Where needed, I utilize consecrated salts and waters, other items with spiritual and ritual properties to achieve the desired result. Which includes but not limited specific religious icons and processes.
I do a pre clearing reading on your location in advance and share with you what I found. I will leave you with tools to keep the cleanse in place after I leave and am always available for follow up questions and advice.
Fees based on square footage and special services required
Contact me for difficult to sell homes**
Personal Clearing ~
There are many reasons a person can require a personal clearing. The work is done in the Aura with sage, selenite and Reiki. Other ritual is performed based on need.
In our daily life we pick up negative energies, psychic debris from exposure to unhealthy people and situations and a regular cleansing helps keep chakras balanced our auras clear and our protections in tact.
There are circumstances where an individual will acquire what is commonly known as and attachment. I have done many removals of this type of energy and requires specialty ritual.
Personal cleansings without a reading take only about 15 minutes and you will be given a protection amulet to take with you upon completion.
A Personal Clearing only, is $20. If added to an in person reading, there is an additional $10 donation to the reading.